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Over the summer I had the opportunity to join an amazing group of local photographers in Idaho Falls for a styled shoot. I adore this non traditional, natural take on bridal portraits. I love the idea of spending an evening before the wedding photographing the bride, or bride and groom, in a natural, candid way…

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Lately I’ve felt the urge to spend more time photographing for me. I absolutely love getting to work with my clients, and being invited into the special moments of their lives, but I realized that I don’t spend nearly enough time creating for me and documenting the special moments in my life…

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Inspiration, I’ve found, usually strikes when you’re least expecting it. This bit of inspiration landed in my lap when I was reading a blog I had come across thanks to a wonderful group called The Rising Tide Society. I thought it would be the perfect beginning to what I hope will be a longstanding series on this blog…

I love flowers. So much so that shortly after we got married, I made Ted promise that he would give me flowers once a month for the rest of our lives together. And even though it’s not so realistic for our lives, I have dreams of living in a tiny cottage style home with a garden full of rows and rows…

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I have always loved the look and smell of sagebrush. You can find it everywhere in Idaho, and that was one of my favorite things about living there. About a month before we moved I got the crazy idea that I needed to do one last session in Idaho, as if we weren’t already busy enough. I wanted to do one session out in the desert…

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It was a warm spring day in Illinois when Ashley met Mikeal. Having grown up on her parent’s dairy farm, she was no stranger to a day in the field. That day, Ashley had been baling hay at a nearby farm, with the help of one of the men who worked there. Mikeal, who was helping her to rake and gather up the hay, noticed Ashley, and just knew that there was something special there. Throughout the morning while working together, he insisted that they take a break so that he could take her out to lunch…